연구논문 초록집

초록 검색

세션명 Virtual Lightning Session
발표장 Online (10/20~10/22)
논문코드 VPS-42
발표일 --2020
논문제목 Mechanistic Understanding of Monovalent Cation Transport in Eumelanin Pigments
발표자 Zhen Tian
발표자 소속 University of New Hampshire
저자 Zhen Tian, Young Jo Kim
소속 University of New Hampshire
논문초록 Eumelanin pigments are the broad class of biopolymers found in many living organisms, which consist of the disordered heterogeneous aromatic oligomer networks. The variations of eumelanins impact the materials functionalities such as optical, optoelectrical, and electrochemical properties. Microstructure and chemical composition of subunits have been studied intensively, however, mesoscopic structure with arrangement of chemical functional groups have not been examined yet. It was also found that ions utilize the meso scale protomolecule as a pathway during charge transport. This study will address open questions regarding how chemical functionalities, and meso-scale structures affect charge transport through eumelanins by electrochemical transport of monovalent cations. The finding would allow eumelanin pigments to be transformed into versatile biopolymers that could serve as the biodegradable electrochemical energy storages.